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Tips on Netherlands Warnings or Dangers – Stay Safe!

Netherlands Warnings and Dangers

The Netherlands is a wonderful place to visit, however, there are things you must keep in mind when visiting. Watch for the following Netherlands warnings and dangers.

No Urinating in the Streets

Apparently urinating in the streets has been a real problem in the Netherlands in the past due to the lax attitude toward partying. But should you decide to relieve yourself in public, you can face a pretty stiff fine of 45 Euro. So find a public toilet and use it.

Do Not Drink and Drive

The Dutch take the concept of no drinking and driving to a whole new level. Their laws apply not just to cars but to mopeds, bicycles, and scooters, so don’t think you’re in the clear drinking and getting on a bike. The blood alcohol levels are lower than many cities in the US consider intoxicated: just 0.5 alcohol in the bloodstream. If you test between 0.5 and 1.0, expect to pay 80 Euro, and if your blood alcohol level is between 1.0 and 1.8, the fine increases to a whopping 250 Euro. Those unlucky enough to have a blood alcohol level over 1.8 will go to court. Also, it is illegal for you to walk outside with a glass or open bottle of alcoholic beverage.

Not Okay to Produce or Deal Drugs

Although it’s not illegal to take drugs, trafficking (importing or exporting), producing, or selling drugs is illegal and you will be arrested. Keep this in mind if you buy some drugs and decide to take them with you to your next destination.

Coffeehouses Often Sell “Soft” Drugs

If you go into a coffeehouse expecting to get your favorite latte, you might be surprised to see that the coffeehouse sells drugs to people. Although this is technically illegal, coffeehouses aren’t usually targeted by law enforcement. They can sell up to 5 grams of a “soft” drug to one person. They cannot sell to anyone younger than 18.

Editor’s Note: The information contained on this page was compiled using real traveler reviews about Netherlands Warnings and Dangers.

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