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Hotel & Lodging Deals

Hotels often offer package deals with free nights, resort credits, and other extras—but they don’t always clue you in on the available perks. That’s why we closely monitor top hotel brands and independent hotels alike, sharing the best hotel deals available.

Hyatt, Choice Hotels offer 2-for-1 deal

Hyatt, Choice Hotels offer 2-for-1 deal Frequent Flyer

Annual fee for Starwood credit card to rise 50 percent

Annual fee for Starwood credit card to rise 50 percent Frequent Flyer

Is travel better, worse, or just different?

Is travel better, worse, or just different? Airfare Deals

Five Marriott brands offer free lobby Wi-Fi

Five Marriott brands offer free lobby Wi-Fi Hotel & Lodging Deals

Ikea sleepover and other unusual accommodations

Ikea sleepover and other unusual accommodations Family Travel

Save in New York City this summer

Save in New York City this summer Budget Travel

Europe for families

Europe for families Family Travel

Cape Cod a renter’s market?

Cape Cod a renter’s market? Beach

Hawaii resort-fee cheatsheet

Hawaii resort-fee cheatsheet Hotel & Lodging Deals

Smart travel tips for hurricane season

Smart travel tips for hurricane season Cruise

Keeping baby safe while traveling

Keeping baby safe while traveling Family Travel

Hot list names trendy traveler spots worldwide

Hot list names trendy traveler spots worldwide Hotel & Lodging Deals

MySpace + travel = boo?

MySpace + travel = boo? Hotel & Lodging Deals

More free gas for summer road trips

More free gas for summer road trips Weekend Getaways

Stranded in San Francisco? No problem

Stranded in San Francisco? No problem Budget Travel